Julia’s Scoliosis Clinic Story

Julia Carlile has scoliosis, a condition that causes the spine to curve. Since her diagnosis, Julia has tried various clinical methods to improve her condition. Now, Julia is able to live her life to the fullest and continue her love of dancing thanks to the Gensingen Brace® manufactured by Blatchford.
At the age of 8, Julia was provided with a spinal brace through the NHS which she found to be too bulky and obvious under her clothes. Like most children, Julia wanted to be able to wear the same fashionable clothes as her friends and did not want her brace to be visible. At only 9 years old, she decided to research developments in the treatment of scoliosis herself and tried both the Boston Brace as well as a soft dynamic brace. Unfortunately whilst using these braces the curve of Julia’s spine continued to progress from 45 to 73 degrees.
Once again, Julia took it upon herself to research new treatments, and found the Gensingen Brace® and Schroth Best Practice® exercise rehabilitation.
Steve Hewitt , Senior Orthotist at Blatchford who treated Julia, was especially pleased with the results of the Gensingen Brace. “At first diagnosis the curve in Julia’s spine measured 29 degrees, at this point no treatment was given and the curve progressed to 45 degrees. Whilst trying other forms of bracing over a four year period, the curve progressed to 73 degrees. Despite 50 degrees being the point at which many surgeons wish to operate and fuse the spine, Julia decided to try the Gensingen Brace®. Using the Gensingen brace has meant that for the first time since diagnosis, bracing was successful in halting progression of Julia’s curve, allowing her vital time to grow naturally and continue to enjoy dancing.
It’s so important that parents and young people are aware of the treatment available for scoliosis. If it is caught and treated at an early stage the Gensingen Brace can be successful in halting and even correcting the curve”.
The Gensingen Brace® was designed by Dr Hans Weiss in Germany and, along with the supporting Schroth Best Practice® exercise rehabilitation, is a proven and effective non-surgical scoliosis treatment. The latest 3D scanning technology is combined with advanced clinical expertise to provide a spinal brace bespoke to each patient. The brace is streamlined to the body to make it barely visible under clothes.
Julia has now been wearing her Gensingen Brace® for over two years and is thrilled with the improvement it has made to her everyday life. “I can really see and feel a difference. I have far less pain even when I take the brace off now”.
Julia continues to practice dance, including ballet, tap, jazz, street and contemporary dance styles and has most recently become well known to many by receiving the much revered ‘golden buzzer’ as a competitor on Britain’s Got Talent.