Sylwia: Momentum Brace
The Momentum Offloading brace has changed my life in a very positive way. I was born with a club foot and had multiple surgeries as a child. In my early adult life, I suffered from pain in my right foot, but I could manage pretty well. However, things changed after having a child. Year after year, the amount of walking I could do significantly decreased. Ten years after, I couldn't do more than 20 metres without feeling a significant amount of pain. Having the brace on is like having a new leg. I can go for a long walk, take my son to school or take an active holiday with my family, which was impossible in the last few years. The brace has had a strong positive impact on my social and family life, as I can leave the house without being in a lot of pain and suffering after. I highly recommend this brace to anyone with similar conditions to mine.
The difference the brace has made to Sylwia, and the whole family, is immeasurable. She had to stop working in a job she loved, she was unable to walk anywhere which made going out as a family impossible. The brace has given Sylwia her confidence, and independence back. It has enabled us to work and we can do things as a family again.
Momentum® is an innovative custom carbon fibre Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO) designed to partially off-load the foot and ankle to stabilise and relieve pressure and pain following complex lower limb injury.

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